Share what you have done in class

Here students can show some of their written productions. I hope you can learn and also have a good time.

terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010


Major: Publicizing and advertising

Minor: Marketing

Hometown: Coronel Fabriciano city

Extracurricular/Campus activities:

I’m involved with the activities in group with my classmates. This work is the production of a movie about the academic life.

Favorite place on Campus:

The best place to hang in Unileste is the library. There are a lot of books and magazines. I really like that place.

What are your career goals?

I plan to work as a Publicizing and to study Marketing in my Graduate.

What do you like most about going to Unileste?

The Campus is amazing. The library is very nice and the faculty is also amazing.

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