Share what you have done in class

Here students can show some of their written productions. I hope you can learn and also have a good time.

segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010

Coin collection for sale

Lamp for sale

mushroom-shaped lamp for sale in colors Pink, white and yellow. New.
It is necessary to use batteries.
For only $15.00
Batteries and freight not included.
Contact Telephone 55 31 38424129. Talk to Lais.

Tiara for sale

For sale a Nike tiara. Great for sports like tennis and soccer. For just $10 you can become the owner of this wonderful accessory for your hair.

Sunglasses for sale

Eclipse sunglasses. Unisex model.
black leather legs and black lenses.
Super charming.
Contact Phone: 9120-5036

Motorcycle for sale

For sale

Buy a Honda motorcycle. great condition.
Economic and good to go for a ride around the city.
I'm sure you can buy it!

High heels for sale

For sale
Beautiful blue high-heel shoes with a bright silver buckle. Size thirty-seven, very comfortable for only $10 (ten dollars).
Search Eliana Leite in 5th class of journalism.

Dress for sale


Be Elegant

An Evening dress. Black, long and with low neck. Medium size.
For only $74.00

You can contact me at

terça-feira, 20 de abril de 2010

Giovana Cremasco

Major: Communication - Journalism

Hometown: Vitória/ES, Ipatinga/MG

Extracurricular/ Campus Activities:
I’m involved with party promotion on campus, next to another courses. I love to hanging out with my friends and listening to music all the time. I just cannot do anything without sounds in my head.

Favorite place on campus:
The best place on campus is the B block, because its where I can find my friends together and spend some time with them, talking about communication.

What do you like most about going to Unileste:
My favorite place in this town is Unileste, c’ause its where I found my second family. It’s a really pleasure to be here and be able to share my life knowledge with people which came from different places and have so different culture. Teachers, students and everything in this place is a reason to be happy for being here.

Favorite event on campus:
My favorite event is the Communication’s week. We have five days with workshops, lectures and lots of information about journalism and advertising.

segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010

Laís Almeida

Major: Publicizing and advetising

Hometown: Coronel Fabriciano – MG

Campus Activities:
I’m involved with some events like “trabalho interdisciplinar”, seminários e “ponto com”.

Favorite place on Campus:
The Best place to hang out is the smake bar, because I enjoy hanging out with my friends there. The atmosphere is calm.

Favorite professor:
Rodrigo Cristiano. He is very nice and also easygoing.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste- MG?
Because I liked the distance that is was (and wasn’t) away from my home,and the faculty is amazing.

Jefferson Duarte

Publicizing and Advertising

Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Campus Activities
I’m involved with some events like “Portfólio”, “Interdisciplinar”, “Semana da Comunicação” and “Café Cinematográfico”. I love to exercise my mind at the library and take a walk when I’m not studying.

What do you like most about going to Unileste?
I like the faculty because they are amazing. Also, the laboratories are large and comfortable. The library is well respected and comfortable, too.

What are your career goals?
I want to go to Graduate School to receive a master in Marketing and Economy.

Extracurricular/ Campus Activities
I’m involved with Academic Research (PIC).

What advice would you give to a new Unileste student?
Take advantage of Extracurricular Activities and the Academic Research (PIC).

Karina Muniz

Advertising and publicizing

Coronel Fabriciano, MG.

Extracurricular/Campus Activities:

I am involved in few extracurricular activities, when I can I participate in lectures or seminars

Why did you choose to attend UnilesteMG?

Because the college is closer to my home. I also work in college when I'm not studying. It is the best college in the region.

Favorite Event on Campus:

My favorite event is the week of communication, there are many lectures and workshops.

Favorite Professor:

Rodrigo Cristiano is my favorite professor because his teaching methodology is different and he is very funny and cool. His classes are the best I had today, because it can give you an interesting lesson and fun at the same time.

What are tour career goals?
I'm thinking about what to do, still do not know what I want to specialize, but I want to be a good professional.

What advice would you give to a new UnilesteMG student?

Study hard.

quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2010

Vander Andrade

Communication with Journalism Emphasis
Guanhães, MG
Extracurricular/Campus Activities:
I’m involved with the agency station en campus end radio workshop.
Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
Unileste is a recognized institution, with broad curriculum in the training of journalists.
Favorite Event on Campus:
Favorite the event in the fields is the week of notification.
What do you like most about going to Unileste?
I like the campus is very large has an excellent library. College is spacious and wooded.
Favorite place on campus:
Is the integrated agency, much like to stay there because it is a practical learning environment.
Favorite Professor:
My favorite Professor is Patricia and Rodrigo Cristiano, as are well focused in their activities and super easy to live with them.
What are your career goals?
My goal, to become a political adviser to grade and teach lessons for universities.

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

Rafael Henrique

Major: Journalism

Minor: Web Developing

Hometown: Itabira

Campus Activities
I ‘am evolved with the Integrated Communication Lab with web developing with emphasis at development of the Complexus Magazine. In the past, this lab aren’t integrated, I had more participation with the Digital Agency, when I developed and administrated the Journalism website.

Extra Curricular
I participate at all events of my college and try to mobilize the students with revolutionary ideas.

Free Time
In my free time I read a lot of books and watch movies and series. On weekends I hunt chick on parties and pubs.
I’m working with Integrated Communication, media production and systems development at In Vista Communication. Between the jobs I administrate and collaborate with the Capitu Magazine’s website, a digital culture magazine.


Major: Journalism
Hometown: Iapu, MG

Extracurricular / Campus Activites
At the moment I’m involved with activities on campus, I like to participate in seminary and courses prarded by other socials association of the Unileste, with the objective of help various people.

Favorite Place on campus:
The best place to hang is the lab, where I can access the internet, talk to my classmates and develop my research work.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
I’m studying in Unileste because it’s a university that can help me in the future. It will bring opportunities for my professional life in future. Other reason who collaborated to the my choice was the proximity of the college to my home and by be the only who offer the course in the area of social communication. Then, the Journalism was the my choice ideal.

What are your career goals?
I intend to travel to other countries in order to learn other cultures who me possibilitate news Knowledge. Want also work in different middle of communication: is radio, TV, print newspaper.

What do you like most about going to UNILESTE?
There is always something to do on campus it always gives the right courses and extracurricular activities for student participation.

Diego Bueno

By: Diego Bueno de Moraes Dornelas, from the 5th period of Publicizing and advertising in Centro Universitário do Leste de Minas Gerais, Unileste-MG.

Publicizing and advertisin

Coronel Fabriciano, MG

Extracurricular / Campus activities:
I’m involved with “Jovens na Tela”. It’s a great experience I really enjoy spending time Surf on the Web.

Favorite place on campus:
I love to hang out at the large grassy places.

What are your career goals?
I really want to take a certification course in Marketing.

What’s the best class you’ve take?
The best classes are photography and Marketing.

Why did you choose to attend UNILESTE-MG?
The atmosphere of the campus is amazing and also because of the course.

Franklim Drumond

Publicizing and advertising

Extracurricular/campus activities:
I’m involved with Academic Research (PIC – Program indication scientific) about Cordel Literature.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
Becouse Unileste is a well respected College. The campus is large area and the library is really spacious and comfortable.
Favorite place on campus?
I enjoy at the library.

What are your career goals?
I want to work for a University as research. I plan to go Graduate School to receive a Masters of Linguistics.

Laís Pimentel

MAJOR: Publicizing and advertising

HOMETOWN: Coronel Fabriciano, MG


The best place to eat is in the restaurant Wall, because it has the best mini pizzas. The best place to rest in on the benches of building, and to study the best place is the library.


Communication Week. I like this event because it is educational and amiable.


Maria Cristina. She teaches methodology and economics. She has a good curriculum and knows how to teach clearly when the subject is difficult.


I plan to specialize in marketing, corporate communications, logistics, and get a master in economics.

Andreza Morais


Ipatinga, MG

Extracurricular / Campus Activities:
I’m envolved with some events like “Semana da Comunicação”, “Ponto Com”, “Café Cinematográfico” and “Portifólio”. These events make me learn a lot.

Favorite place on the campus:
The best place to hang out on campus is the snack bar, because the atmosphere is very agreeable and I enjoy hanging out with my friends there.

Why did choose to attend UnilesteMG?
When I graduated from high school I knew that I wanted do work with journalism. I chose UnilesteMG because it’s the only place that offers this course.

Favorite professor:
Mr. Rodrigo Cristiano. He is so helpful and is really easy to get along with.

Alysson Alves


Timóteo, Minas Gerais

Extracurricular/Campus Activies:
I’m working in a television TV Cultura. Sometimes, on weekends, I take pictures of weddings, birthday and other kinds of events.

Favorite Place on Campus:
The best place to hang out on campus is the snack bar. It has great foods, drinks and atmosphere. The best place to study is the second floor of the library. The campus is beautiful and large.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
I love the atmosphere of the campus. This campus has many trees, open spaces and laboratories. The faculty is amazing. They are easy to talk, great about giving you one on one help, and they want you to succeed.

What are your career goals?
I want to study still plus, to do picture courses, to do masters degree and to have my own photographic studio. I want to be an excellent professional e and to be happy with my career.

Favorite professor:
In this semester is professor Adriana. She explains calmly and patience, in a funny way. The class is dynamic and funny.

quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2010

Guilherme Valamiel

I am involved in the job to bring back to the operation of education radio, manage by Communication College Unileste MG. I enjoy watching TV, movies, chat with friends, playing football and playing drums.

João Monlevade

Extracurricular/Campus Activities:
Unileste has a stage in the workshop that I have a great desire to participate and, of course, the sports program on the radio that I want to develop. In my opinion, the campus is very big, huge, when I entered college I was afraid of losing me up inside, it's pleasant and very beautiful, with trees and plants well maintained.

Favorite Event on Campus
Is the Café Cinematográfico is almost every Saturday of the month, I never was at the event, because I live off, and on weekends like to go to my house, but I thinks’ very interesting and very instructive for those who love movies then, is a full plate.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste MG?
There is plenty to do in the Vale do Aço, the options are many all you need is money to enjoy the festivities here. The college faculty is very competent, there are several activities and well-formulated plans for them.

Favorite Professor:
William Trevizani, a great teacher, his ideas and his way of teaching gives impressive, the way he deals with the students is fantastic. Two lessons are very dynamic and participatory, the idea of returning Unileste Radio is his.

What do you like best about the Ipatinga community?
I love the city because it is very close to the city I grew up and where they really live, has great places to go, by the way, it’s very beautiful.

What are your career goals?
My goal is to become a great professional, prepared for the market labor and I want to become a reporter and I hope to be an excellent reporter.

How has Unileste MG prepared you for your future?
The Unileste is preparing a bright future for us with a good reputation for great power and great teachers, it brings more and more students to study there. It offers various undergraduate and graduate, you can be sure that a student at Unileste always go out there prepared for what he will face in the future.

Eliana Maria

Major: Journalism

Minor: Photojournalism

Hometown: Queluz-SP

Extracurricular/Campus Activities:
I attend some events on campus surch as Communication week and many others.

Favorite Professor:
Mr. Daniel Gustavo, his major is Political Science and Public Relation. His knowledge on these subjects is amazing.

What are yours career goals?
I plan to go to graduate school to receive a master of Political Science or Political Economy.

Favorite Event on campus:
I like “Semana .com” because this event presents the best productions made by the studenty.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
Because it is near my house. Also it’s the only place that offers journalism.

Caio Condé


Hometown:Ipatinga, MG

Extracurricular/Campus Activities:

After college I'm go work. So I don’t have much time for others activities.

Why did you chose the Unileste?

The Unileste is a great college.

Favorite Event on Campus:

On saturdays morning there is realized the "Café Cinematografico", its amazing!

What’s the best class you’re taken?

Well, i don’t remember the name of the class, but the professor is Cristiano Rodrigo. All of his class are great.

What are you career goals?
I plan to work in creation of publicizing texts.


Publicizing and advertising

João Monlevade

Extracurricular/ Campus Activides
I´m involved with the course subjects and also with some events like “ponto com”, communication week and portfolio.

Favorite place on campus
The best place to hang out is at “agencia integrada” because the atmosphere is nice and we learn a lot. I cannot stop mentioning the tavern, where I am with my friends and I see some people that study in the campus.

Favorite event on campus
Free “café cinematográfico” movies, where sees it we drank coffee of the malice, we watch the chosen film and we discussed what saw in the film it is where we also have contact with the students that study in the shift of the night.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste-MG
I love the atmosphere of the campus. The faculty is good. Not to mention, Unileste has the course I wanted to do.

Pedro Terra

Publicizing and Advertising

Ipatinga, MG

Extracurricular/Campus Activies:
I like sports, mainly soccer, but I don't have practiced much lately. When I'm not studying, I enjoy spending time watching movies. I also like to play the guitar and listen to music.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste-MG?
Unileste is an excellent university, with excellent professors. This campus has more trees and open spaces. It's a great place.

Favorite Event on Campus:
The 'Café Cinematográfico' is a great event. It has free movies on Saturday.

Favorite Place on Campus:
I like to spend time in the canteen and talk with my friends.

What are your career goals?
I plan to go to Graduate to specialize in education.

How has Unileste-MG prepared you for your future?
I have learned to be a critical thinker. This is something that I know I will use for the rest of my life. I also learned to communicate better and do not expect a lot from people.

What advice would you give to a new Unileste-MG student?
I would say two things: take the opportunity and give yourself the best. It's a big opportunity and, what you learn here you will use for your career.

Rafael Pereira

Major: Publicizing and Advertising

Hometown: Coronel Fabriciano, MG

Extracurricular / Campus Activities:
I’m a student of advertising and publicizing. The course is very interesting. When I'm not studying, I play drums and percussion, I love listening to music and surfing the internet. I have a kind of music, depends on the season!

Favorite place on campus:
I enjoy spending free time in the Snack Bar

What are your career goals?
I want to be a good professional and be successful in my profession.

How has UWSP prepared you for your future?
The professors are qualified also the university prepares us for the market work.

What advice would you give to a new UWSP student?
Continue with the same courage throughout the course, and face the challenges ahead, this is extremely important.

Isabelle Coutinho

Major: Communication with Publicizing and Advertising emphasis.
Hometown: Caratinga,MG

Campus Activities:
I´m involved with some events like “Ponto Com”; “Semana da Comunicação”; “Portifólio”. Because I can learn much more about the course.

Favorite Place on Campus:
The best place to hang out is the snack bar, because I like to meet my friends and chat with them.

Why did you choose Unileste-MG?
I chose Unileste, because it´s the only place that offer the course of social communication with emphasis on advertising and it´s closer to my house.

What are your career goals?
I´d like to master in Marketing.

My favorite professor:
This semester is professor Rodrigo, because his class is great and funny.



Araçuaí, MG

Extracurricular/ Campus Activities:
I am involved with “Jornal Oficina” – a project on campus destined for journalism students. I really love electronic publishing, mainly, in magazines. I want to get an internship in this area.

Favorite Place on campus:
My favorite place on campus is the library. I love the books, I love to read. It is silent, calm and comfortable, perfect for the reading, mainly, the second floor where I usually study.

Favorite Professor:
Professor Sônia Teles. She has a vast knowledge in areas such as Philosophy, Portuguese Language and Literature, and is able to transmit it to students in an easy way to understand. She also encourages the students to seek knowledge and stimulates their creativity.
I have a real passion for knowledge, what made me identify with the Professor Teles.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
I chose Unileste because it is a well-respected university in the region, with well-qualified teachers. And I like the atmosphere of the campus, it is large and beautiful.

What are your career goals?
After under graduation I want to work as a graphic designer freelancer or get a job at a magazine writing reports, maybe even a column. And one day I want to write a book.

Wrtitten production activity

As a professor of English as a foreign language, I've involved my students on a written production project in order to motivate them participate in the extracurricular activities promoted by their college. All of them are taking social communication and some are majoring in journalism and others in Publicizing and advertising.