Share what you have done in class

Here students can show some of their written productions. I hope you can learn and also have a good time.

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

Andreza Morais


Ipatinga, MG

Extracurricular / Campus Activities:
I’m envolved with some events like “Semana da Comunicação”, “Ponto Com”, “Café Cinematográfico” and “Portifólio”. These events make me learn a lot.

Favorite place on the campus:
The best place to hang out on campus is the snack bar, because the atmosphere is very agreeable and I enjoy hanging out with my friends there.

Why did choose to attend UnilesteMG?
When I graduated from high school I knew that I wanted do work with journalism. I chose UnilesteMG because it’s the only place that offers this course.

Favorite professor:
Mr. Rodrigo Cristiano. He is so helpful and is really easy to get along with.

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