Share what you have done in class

Here students can show some of their written productions. I hope you can learn and also have a good time.

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

Franklim Drumond

Publicizing and advertising

Extracurricular/campus activities:
I’m involved with Academic Research (PIC – Program indication scientific) about Cordel Literature.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
Becouse Unileste is a well respected College. The campus is large area and the library is really spacious and comfortable.
Favorite place on campus?
I enjoy at the library.

What are your career goals?
I want to work for a University as research. I plan to go Graduate School to receive a Masters of Linguistics.

Um comentário:

  1. My friend is very elegant.
    He is involved with some activies, but I think that should become involved more. My friend has very potential.
