Share what you have done in class

Here students can show some of their written productions. I hope you can learn and also have a good time.

segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010

Karina Muniz

Advertising and publicizing

Coronel Fabriciano, MG.

Extracurricular/Campus Activities:

I am involved in few extracurricular activities, when I can I participate in lectures or seminars

Why did you choose to attend UnilesteMG?

Because the college is closer to my home. I also work in college when I'm not studying. It is the best college in the region.

Favorite Event on Campus:

My favorite event is the week of communication, there are many lectures and workshops.

Favorite Professor:

Rodrigo Cristiano is my favorite professor because his teaching methodology is different and he is very funny and cool. His classes are the best I had today, because it can give you an interesting lesson and fun at the same time.

What are tour career goals?
I'm thinking about what to do, still do not know what I want to specialize, but I want to be a good professional.

What advice would you give to a new UnilesteMG student?

Study hard.

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