Share what you have done in class

Here students can show some of their written productions. I hope you can learn and also have a good time.

quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2010



Araçuaí, MG

Extracurricular/ Campus Activities:
I am involved with “Jornal Oficina” – a project on campus destined for journalism students. I really love electronic publishing, mainly, in magazines. I want to get an internship in this area.

Favorite Place on campus:
My favorite place on campus is the library. I love the books, I love to read. It is silent, calm and comfortable, perfect for the reading, mainly, the second floor where I usually study.

Favorite Professor:
Professor Sônia Teles. She has a vast knowledge in areas such as Philosophy, Portuguese Language and Literature, and is able to transmit it to students in an easy way to understand. She also encourages the students to seek knowledge and stimulates their creativity.
I have a real passion for knowledge, what made me identify with the Professor Teles.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
I chose Unileste because it is a well-respected university in the region, with well-qualified teachers. And I like the atmosphere of the campus, it is large and beautiful.

What are your career goals?
After under graduation I want to work as a graphic designer freelancer or get a job at a magazine writing reports, maybe even a column. And one day I want to write a book.

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