Share what you have done in class

Here students can show some of their written productions. I hope you can learn and also have a good time.

quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2010

Vander Andrade

Communication with Journalism Emphasis
Guanhães, MG
Extracurricular/Campus Activities:
I’m involved with the agency station en campus end radio workshop.
Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
Unileste is a recognized institution, with broad curriculum in the training of journalists.
Favorite Event on Campus:
Favorite the event in the fields is the week of notification.
What do you like most about going to Unileste?
I like the campus is very large has an excellent library. College is spacious and wooded.
Favorite place on campus:
Is the integrated agency, much like to stay there because it is a practical learning environment.
Favorite Professor:
My favorite Professor is Patricia and Rodrigo Cristiano, as are well focused in their activities and super easy to live with them.
What are your career goals?
My goal, to become a political adviser to grade and teach lessons for universities.

2 comentários:

  1. rsrs.. what is your favorite place? Integrated agency?! Speak the truth,kkkk... you like it to stay in the computer lab and snack bar.

  2. Belle, I like to stay in the agency rather
