Share what you have done in class

Here students can show some of their written productions. I hope you can learn and also have a good time.

quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2010

Eliana Maria

Major: Journalism

Minor: Photojournalism

Hometown: Queluz-SP

Extracurricular/Campus Activities:
I attend some events on campus surch as Communication week and many others.

Favorite Professor:
Mr. Daniel Gustavo, his major is Political Science and Public Relation. His knowledge on these subjects is amazing.

What are yours career goals?
I plan to go to graduate school to receive a master of Political Science or Political Economy.

Favorite Event on campus:
I like “Semana .com” because this event presents the best productions made by the studenty.

Why did you choose to attend Unileste?
Because it is near my house. Also it’s the only place that offers journalism.

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